25 thoughts on “Why Ramos hit Lionel Messi in Clasico .. see this”
messi no tiene huesos pOr esO nO le duele y idiota de mrd si dicen q ha fingido como va fingir semejante patada otra cosa es q se le pase el dOlOr ktm.
su pierna de messi es de jebe xD! no es de este mundO grande messi
@WidkaH I’d like to see what you’d do you fucking wuss, Puyol eats up Real Madrid attackers every time Barca and Real face each other. Go Jerk Off on Porn asswhipe!!!
0:41 yessss!!
Ramos tenía que haberse follado por el culo a todos y cada uno de los creidos del farsa… más tenía que haber dao!!!… putos catalanes de mieeeeeeerrrda, la puta escoria de este pais!!!!!
puyol hit the ground like a sack of fuckin potatoes the little pussy
Wonderful to see that only 5 opponents can stop him. It’s a shame they have to kick him to do that.
Gah! Stop hating.
@2MuchYellow – Keep dreaming!!! a man vs a baby!!! lalalalaal….
@cryptstyling – ramos owned the cry babies!!! ramos true spanish blood!!!! the truth castellano!!! catallans are pussy people!!!
@SoulColombian it hurts a lot more than u think wen u see things on camera, i hate diving and i didn’t like alves theatrics but the real madrid players were fuckin brutal pepe, adebayor, ramos were all going in for the kill it was a matter of time before one of them got a red card. Messi is ten times better than ronaldo fuck the faggot up with the demi-god
Fuck Ramos and Madrid!
@vegetakai well i know Ronaldo dive sometimes, but Busqets, Alves and Puyol dived against Real..
Man Pique would kick the SHIT out of Ramos
@Hinata1632 yep, putting huge pressure is going to risky since if barca can avoid the pressure they can get a good attack going, all barca players are like supertalented ball controllers and short passers, they dont give the ball away, the best way to defend them is to not press the defenders but to just defend patiently.
@sasan785 bitch barcelona are fuckin actors if u saw in that 2nd leg of the semi-final everytime it was a little touch from madrid on accident they would EFFIN fall,the falls were fake dude
@hweenmask Actually I Don I Play In My girls Scoeer Team….. But Thanks For Telling Me AnyWay I Love Messi and Thats Why I wanted to know? I also Tjough he hit him cuase sergio b.
hit kaka
ramos is fucken gay !!!!!!
This is well made. But Ronaldo would of pretended to act tuff and actually get his ass kicked
@Xavi10Messi you clearly don’t play football, do you? Watch what messi did to him just before ramos hit him. that’s why.
I Still Dont Get Why Sergio Ramos Hits Messi?
Wtf people!! All of you are jealous because you know Messi is the best!! He can do what i bet none of you can!! Like seriously!! Goshh
@Odatti44 I do but R Madrid don’t possess the wingers for that. Their wingers ARE their forwards and are always instructed to stay up front. Their midfield does the most work and again Barca’s style won’t allow space to be found. They train to counter pressure on their midfield because pressure is how you beat Barcelona. Pressure leads to mistakes created from space. So again, it won’t work unless Xavi, Busquets and Iniesta are injured.
That f**k Ramos is the best loser!
LOL! Messi is a bloody cheat. I admit that was a foul on him, but definitely not a card, let alone a red card. If you look at 3:02 you can see he faked it. Messi gets up with a big ass grin on his face, the fucken prick. Puyol’s flop on the ground was so fake, he carried on like his face had been ripped off, what a cheating bastard.
I don’t blame the Real players for getting frustrated, after putting up with this shit the whole night. Mourinho was right, Barca can only win if they cheat.
messi no tiene huesos
pOr esO nO le duele y idiota de mrd si dicen q ha fingido como va fingir semejante patada otra cosa es q se le pase el dOlOr ktm.
su pierna de messi es de jebe xD! no es de este mundO grande messi
@WidkaH I’d like to see what you’d do you fucking wuss, Puyol eats up Real Madrid attackers every time Barca and Real face each other. Go Jerk Off on Porn asswhipe!!!
0:41 yessss!!
Ramos tenía que haberse follado por el culo a todos y cada uno de los creidos del farsa… más tenía que haber dao!!!… putos catalanes de mieeeeeeerrrda, la puta escoria de este pais!!!!!
puyol hit the ground like a sack of fuckin potatoes the little pussy
Wonderful to see that only 5 opponents can stop him. It’s a shame they have to kick him to do that.
Gah! Stop hating.
@2MuchYellow – Keep dreaming!!! a man vs a baby!!! lalalalaal….
@cryptstyling – ramos owned the cry babies!!! ramos true spanish blood!!!! the truth castellano!!! catallans are pussy people!!!
@SoulColombian it hurts a lot more than u think wen u see things on camera, i hate diving and i didn’t like alves theatrics but the real madrid players were fuckin brutal pepe, adebayor, ramos were all going in for the kill it was a matter of time before one of them got a red card. Messi is ten times better than ronaldo fuck the faggot up with the demi-god
Fuck Ramos and Madrid!
@vegetakai well i know Ronaldo dive sometimes, but Busqets, Alves and Puyol dived against Real..
Man Pique would kick the SHIT out of Ramos
@Hinata1632 yep, putting huge pressure is going to risky since if barca can avoid the pressure they can get a good attack going, all barca players are like supertalented ball controllers and short passers, they dont give the ball away, the best way to defend them is to not press the defenders but to just defend patiently.
@sasan785 bitch barcelona are fuckin actors if u saw in that 2nd leg of the semi-final everytime it was a little touch from madrid on accident they would EFFIN fall,the falls were fake dude
@hweenmask Actually I Don I Play In My girls Scoeer Team….. But Thanks For Telling Me AnyWay
I Love Messi and Thats Why I wanted to know? I also Tjough he hit him cuase sergio b.
hit kaka
ramos is fucken gay !!!!!!
This is well made. But Ronaldo would of pretended to act tuff and actually get his ass kicked
@Xavi10Messi you clearly don’t play football, do you? Watch what messi did to him just before ramos hit him. that’s why.
I Still Dont Get Why Sergio Ramos Hits Messi?
Wtf people!! All of you are jealous because you know Messi is the best!! He can do what i bet none of you can!! Like seriously!! Goshh
@Odatti44 I do but R Madrid don’t possess the wingers for that. Their wingers ARE their forwards and are always instructed to stay up front. Their midfield does the most work and again Barca’s style won’t allow space to be found. They train to counter pressure on their midfield because pressure is how you beat Barcelona. Pressure leads to mistakes created from space. So again, it won’t work unless Xavi, Busquets and Iniesta are injured.
That f**k Ramos is the best loser!
LOL! Messi is a bloody cheat. I admit that was a foul on him, but definitely not a card, let alone a red card. If you look at 3:02 you can see he faked it. Messi gets up with a big ass grin on his face, the fucken prick. Puyol’s flop on the ground was so fake, he carried on like his face had been ripped off, what a cheating bastard.
I don’t blame the Real players for getting frustrated, after putting up with this shit the whole night. Mourinho was right, Barca can only win if they cheat.